
“The nature of how memorabilia can change your mood or bring you back to a moment of sheer happiness is something you never get tired of.”

I can remember perfectly watching my two favorite shows; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and how excited I would become at the moment when the theme music would begin.  My eyes would widen with possibility each time I received a new toy related to these shows and how it made me feel closer to the characters each time.  Those memories of going into battle to fight Rita Repulsa or the Super Shredder kept me busy for hours.  No matter what hobby I dived into, nothing made me feel as full and complete as my very own toy world did.

That goal is being reached each time I receive stories and pictures of buyers playing with their children using the retro toys I sold them, or hearing about one of my toys being the final piece to someone’s collection.  The nature of how memorabilia can change your mood or bring you back to a moment of sheer happiness is something you never get tired of.  I hope my collections and passion for nostalgia is not only contagious, but effective in toy lovers of all ages.

From Kid To Collector

The sheer innocence of how toys allows your imagination to run wild is something that never went away for me.  As a child, I was constantly getting lost in a world of make believe, whether it be building forts outside, coming up with plots and story lines with my many action figures, or watching Saturday morning cartoons religiously and picturing myself a part of the cast. 

Years later, as many watch their love for toys subside, mine grew more powerful.  This passion is what pushed me to start the RETRO TOY ENVY journey.  This not only allowed me and fans like myself to hold on to wonderful memories of toys and nostalgia throughout childhood, but also gives me the opportunity to reach a whole new generation with my collections and hopefully ignites the passion I have within someone else. 
